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#Business ID: 20856

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Takeout Pizza no Franchise

Business Location: Alberta, Canada

Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD Revenue: CA$ 292,076 Cash Flow: CA$ 81,340

[Furniture / Fixtures included]

Business Summary

This none franchised pizza operation was established by the current owners in 2015. It is located in Central Alberta and is the only one is the community. The owners handle all the sales and delivery to the residents in the surrounding area. This business has not been effected by the current virus issues and in fact has seen an increase in sales for the summer months.This is a business that can be handle by a family very well with a couple of part-time staff. The potential to increase the sales could be achieved by better advertising and a strong web site. The sales in the coming year should exceed $300,000.00

Property Details


1,000 sq ft. rental space which provides more than an adequate area

Years Established:


Property Type:



CA$ 120,000

Inventory Value:

CA$ 5,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:

The business is located in a small commercial space. This is a take out operation which has limited seating

Premise Details:

The operation is located in 1,000 sq.ft which provides the need area.The current lease runs until March 2023. The rental rates run from $18.00 to $20.00 in the common area costs.


There are no other Pizza location in the community. There are other food operation in the community.

Expansion Potential:

The sales of this business could likely be expanded with a better web site and more advertising in the areas serviced.

Business Operation Details


2 owners and 2 part-time staff

Trading Hours:

Monday - Sat 11 am - 10 pm Sunday 11 am - 8 pm

Support & Training:

the owners would provide one months training

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

The owners have two young child and have worked very hard in the business getting it established.




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