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#Business ID: 38013

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Running Dating Website For Sale

Business Location: Canada

Asking Price: CA$ 1m to 5m Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Dating site, which will help certain people make contacts, showing themselves as they are. members will have to present themselves in the form of a video, they will have to use a lie detector to answer the questions that will be asked of them, in all sincerity in order to be able to find a partner or a friend.

I am selling this company because I think it will help many people to make contact more easily. Nowadays everyone prefers to stay in their comfort zone, because they have difficulty trusting anyone again, this site will allow you to find people who will not be afraid to show themselves as they are, to be sincere and this can facilitate communications.

Please contact us for more details.


Site de rencontre, qui permettra d'aider certaines personnes a se faire des contactes, on se montrant tel qu'ils sont. les membres devront se présenter sous forme de video, ils devrons utiliser un détecteurs de mensonges pour répondre aux questions qui leurs seront posée, en toutes sincérité afin de pouvoir trouver un partenaire ou un ami.

je vends cette entreprise parce que selon moi cela pourra aider de nombreuse personnes a se faire des contactes un peut plus facilement. de nos jour chacun préfères rester dans sa zone de confort, parce qu'ils ont du mal refaire confiance a qui que ce soit, ce site permettra de trouver des personnes qui n'auront pas peur de se montrer tel qu'ils sont, être sincère et cela pourra faciliter la communications.

Property Details

For Business Investors

Business Type:

Startup Business

Current Stage:

Pre - Startup / R&D

Investor Role:


Investment Deal:


Do you have any tax relief available in this funding round?


Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

I am selling this company because I think it will help many people to make contact more easily.

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